Gm Diet for 30 Days

All about GM Diet Plan for Weight Loss in 7 days: Introduction, Benefits, One-week diet plan for non-vegetarian and vegetarian, Scientific evidence, Side effects, Wonder soup, and other soup recipes, Frequently asked questions »

Introduction︱Benefits︱Non-Veg Diet Plan︱Veg-Diet Plan︱Scientific Evidence︱Side Effects︱Q & A︱Soup Recipes

What is a GM diet plan for weight loss?

General Motors (GM) diet program is most popularly known as the GM diet plan for weight loss in 7 days. It is a 1-week diet regime that helps people lose weight quickly; around 10 to 15 pounds without doing any exercise. This special 7-days diet plan for weight loss was developed for the employees and dependents of General Motors Inc., in conjunction with a grant from the US Department of Agriculture and FDA. The final diet regime was approved by General Motors Corp. on August 15, 1985.


Benefits of GM Diet plan to lose weight in 7 days

The diet program is called the GM diet plan as it was developed for the well-being of the General Motors Corp employees. The main benefit of this 1-week diet program is that people lose weight fast without performing any exercises.

  • Lose around 10 to 15 pounds in 7 days
  • Gives you glowing skin naturally
  • Flushes out harmful impurities or toxins from your body, thus making you lighter and more energetic
  • Trims your belly and waist in less time

Just 7 days of dedication and you'll shed lots of pounds easily, that too without starving. If you want to lose weight quickly for any upcoming occasion in a week or month, then the GM diet plan is for you.

Diet plan for non-vegetarians

In this diet plan, you're advised to eat a selected variety of foods each day during the one-week period along with a special soup called gm diet soup or 'Wonder Soup', in addition to lots of water (at least 8 to 10 glasses or 2 to 3 liters of water per day).

GM Diet Day 1

The first day of the GM diet plan is the fruit day. You're allowed to eat all varieties of fruits that are available to you, except Bananas. For best results, it is suggested to munch more on watermelons on GM diet day 1.


Sample Meal Plan for GM Diet Day 1

Breakfast: 1 medium Apple and a glass of water

Morning Snack: 1 bowl of grapes and 1 glass of water

Lunch: 2 to 3 slices of watermelon and 2 glasses of water

Evening Snack: 1 orange, 1 pear, and 2 glasses of water

Dinner: 2 slices of watermelon, 1 guava, and 2 glasses of water

GM Diet Day 2

Today is the green day. You're allowed to eat all varieties of vegetables, either cooked (boiled) or raw, according to your taste. The only rule on this day is that you're allowed to eat 1 large or 2 small potatoes (baked) with 1 pat of butter for breakfast. During the rest of the day of the GM diet plan, potato is not allowed.


Sample Meal Plan for GM Diet Day 2

Breakfast: 1 large boiled potato with 1 tsp butter and 1 glass of water

MorningSnack: 1 cup boiled broccoli, beet, cucumber, and 2 glasses of water

Lunch: 1 bowl of mixed vegetables (cabbage, lettuce mix, carrot, green beans) and 1 glass of water

EveningSnack: 1 cup of boiled cauliflower, 1 onion, ½ carrot, and 2 glasses of water

Dinner: 1 bowl of mixed vegetables and 2 glasses of water

GM Diet Day 3

The third day of the GM diet plan is fruits & veggies day. You're allowed to eat both vegetables and fruits of your choice on this day, with an exception of Bananas and Potatoes.


Sample Meal Plan for GM Diet Day 3

Breakfast: 1 medium Apple and 2 glasses of water

MorningSnack: 1 bowl of mixed vegetables (cucumber, onion, carrot, lettuce, cabbage) and 1 glasses of water

Lunch: 3 slices of watermelon or ½ papaya and 1 glass of water

EveningSnack: 1 orange or 1 pear or 1 guava with 2 glasses of water

Dinner: 1 bowl of mixed vegetables (boiled broccoli, ½ beet, carrot, cucumber, beans) with 2 glasses of water

GM Diet Day4

The fourth day of the GM diet plan is milkshake day. You're allowed to eat as many as 6 small or 4 large bananas and drink 3 glasses (250 ml each) of milk (skim) throughout the day. Whenever the hunger pangs strike, you can drink the cabbage soup on GM Diet day 4.


Sample Meal Plan for GM Diet Day 4

Breakfast: 2 bananas and 1 glass of warm milk (250 ml) & 1 glass of water

Morning Snack: 1 glass milkshake made with 250 ml of milk and 2 bananas & 2 glasses of water

Lunch: 1 bowl of wonder soup made with cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, and onions & 2 glasses of water

Evening Snack: 2 bananas and 1 glass of milk or make it as a shake and drink & 2 glasses of water

Dinner: 1 bowl of wonder soup and 1 glass of water

GM Diet Day 5

Today is a feast day. You're allowed to eat 10 oz (280 gms) of lean beef (or skinless chicken or fish) along with 6 whole tomatoes for the day. Today, you can also have the 'Power soup' which is made of tomatoes.


Sample Meal Plan for Non-vegetarians on GM Diet Day 5

Breakfast: Lean beef or skinless chicken breast or fish, baked or roasted with 1 tsp olive oil, 2 tomatoes, and 1 glass of water

MorningSnack: 2 tomatoes and 2 glasses of water

Lunch: Soup made with meat/chicken, tomato, and 2 glasses of water

EveningSnack: 1 tomato and 2 glasses of water

Dinner: Baked or fried beef/chicken/fish with 2 glasses of water

GM Diet Day 6

The second last day of the GM diet plan is the same as the fifth day of the GM diet plan, except that you need to replace the tomatoes with your favorite vegetables (no potatoes) along with 10 oz of lean beef/skinless chicken/fish. Whenever hungry, you can drink the wonder soup aka cabbage soup.


Sample Meal Plan for Non-vegetarians on GM Diet Day 6

Breakfast: Lean beef or skinless chicken breast or fish, baked or roasted with 1 tsp olive oil and 1 glass of water

Morning Snack: 1 bowl of cabbage soup and 2 glasses of water

Lunch: Soup made with meat/chicken, vegetables, and 2 glasses of water

EveningSnack: 1 bowl of mixed vegetable salad and 2 glasses of water

Dinner: Baked or fried beef/chicken/fish with 2 glasses of water

GM Diet Day 7

The last day of the GM diet plan is juice day. You're allowed to eat brown rice, vegetables (no potatoes), and drink fruit juices of your choice. By the way, you've successfully completed the General Motors diet.


Sample Meal Plan for GM Diet Day 7

Breakfast: 1 bowl of watermelon and 1 glass of water

Morning Snack: 1 cup of boiled broccoli, beet, cucumber, and onions with 2 glasses of water

Lunch: 1 cup of brown rice (200 gms when cooked) along with your favorite vegetables (prepare it as a pulao/mixed rice) and 2 glasses of water

Evening Snack: 1 glass of fruit juice (apple or pear) and 1 glass of water

Dinner: 1 cup of brown rice mixed with vegetables and 2 glasses of water; 1 glass of orange juice

GM Diet Day 8

Today is an awesome day. When you woke up today, you'll find yourself lighter by at least 10 pounds and also notice a glow on your face due to the cleansing. However, if you get back to the regular eating habits, then you'll gain back all the weight you've lost during the 7-days GM diet plan. Since there is no permanent solution to keep the pounds off, it is advised to follow a healthy lifestyle to maintain the weight.

For that, you may consider eating a 1500 calorie diet plan (for women) and an 1800 calorie diet plan (for men) in order to maintain your ideal weight.

GM diet plan for vegetarians to lose weight

If you're a vegetarian trying the best way to lose weight through the General Motors diet program, then you can follow the below regimen.

GM Diet Plan Day 1 to 4: The GM diet plan for day 1, day 2, day 3, and day 4 is the same for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians. So, you should only worry about days 5 and 6, if you're a vegetarian.

GM Diet Plan Day 5: Instead of beef/chicken/fish, you can eat brown rice, paneer (Indian cheese), and tomatoes. BTW, if you're an eggetarian who eats eggs, but not chicken/meat, then you can replace meat with 6 eggs along with 6 whole tomatoes. You can also prepare tomato soup and drink it whenever you're hungry today.

Sample Meal Plan for Vegetarians on GM Diet Day 5

Breakfast: 1 bowl of boiled kidney beans (Rajma) and 2 tomatoes

MorningSnack: 1 cup of curd or tofu and 2 glasses of water

Lunch: 1 cup or 200 gms of cooked brown rice with 2 tomatoes, spinach, paneer (Indian cheese), and 2 glasses of water

EveningSnack: Mixed sprouts salad with onions, 2 tomatoes, pepper, lemon juice and 2 glasses of water

Dinner: 1 bowl of tomato soup & 2 glasses of water

GM Diet plan Day 6: Eat brown rice, paneer, and vegetables of your choice on this day. You're also allowed to drink the cabbage soup today.

Sample Meal Plan for Vegetarians on GM diet plan Day 6

Breakfast: 1 bowl of mixed vegetable salad and 2 glasses of water

MorningSnack: A small bowl of boiled kidney beans and 2 glasses of water

Lunch: 1 cup brown rice cooked with mixed vegetables and 1 glass of water

Evening Snack: 1 bowl of sprouted lentils with onions and lemon juice & 1 glass of water

Dinner: 1 bowl of vegetable soup aka cabbage soup and 2 glasses of water

GM Diet Day 7: It is also the same for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians as it doesn't contain any non-veg foods. So, please refer to the non-vegetarian version for the list of foods and sample meal plans.

What to Eat after completing the General Motor (GM) diet plan?

Once you've completed the GM diet plan and lost some weight, you should follow a healthy lifestyle, or else you'll regain all the lost pounds within a very short time. It is therefore suggested to follow a low carb high protein diet in order to lose or maintain your weight. Before that, here is a little science behind losing weight that you should know.

To lose 1 pound, a person needs to spend or burn 3500 calories;

1 kg = 2.2 pounds; so, to lose 1 kg, you should burn 2.2 x 3500 = 7700 calories;

So, to lose quickly weight, you can either create a calorie deficit by following a low-carb diet or burn more calories than you consume. For best results, it is advised to follow both diet and exercise. To know how many calories you need to eat to reach your target weight, here is a simple formula.

Using this calculator, find out your BMR or Basal Metabolic Rate. Multiply the result with the following number to get your daily calorie needs (DCN), which implies the default calorie burn rate of your body.

If you're sedentary (little or no exercise): DCN = BMR x 1.2

If you're lightly active (light exercise/sports 1 to 3 times a week): DCN = BMR x 1.375

If you're moderately active (3 to 5 times a week): DCN = BMR x 1.55

If you're very active (heavy exercise/sports 6-7 times a week): DCN = BMR x 1.725

If you're extra active (very hard-working person all the time): DCN = BMR x 1.9

Example: If your BMR is 2200 calories and you lead a sedentary lifestyle, then your daily calorie needs would be 2200 x 1.2 = 2640 calories. That means, your body will burn 2640 calories per day even while you're resting.

So, if your DCN (daily cal burn) is 2600, then you can eat 1800 calories per day and create a deficit of 800 calories per day through diet and burn 200 calories through exercise. So, on a whole, you're burning 1000 x 7 = 7000 calories or 2 pounds per week. Likewise, you can know how to lose weight naturally.

For example, if you wanted to lose 10 kgs of weight with a DCN of 2600, then you need to burn 10 x 2.2 x 3500 =77000 calories. Since it is not possible to burn so many calories in a single day or week, you can simply create a deficit of 1000 calories per day for 77 days (two and a half months) to lose those 10 kgs of weight safely.

How does the GM diet plan work? (Scientific Evidence)

GM diet for weight loss day 1: Since your system is not used to the diet plans to lose weight fast, you'll be eating selected foods to make it habituated to the new eating lifestyle. The fruits are nature's perfect food and they provide everything (carbohydrates) you need to survive throughout the day.

GM diet for weight loss day 2: The baked potato with butter gives you complex carbohydrates due to which you'll be getting enough energy and balance. The vegetables that you eat during the rest of the day contain very less calories and provide you with essential nutrients and lots of fibers.

GM diet to lose weight day 3: Since you're getting carbs from the fruits, you can simply exclude the potato on this day. By today, your system has got used to the new eating habits and will start burning more pounds. You'll still have some cravings, but they should diminish from day four onward.

GM diet for weight loss day 4: You get potassium & sodium that you missed all these three days, from the Bananas and Calcium, from the milk. If you're craving sweets, then it will diminish today.

GM diet to lose weight day 5: Beef is rich in iron and proteins, whereas tomatoes provide you with fiber and help in improving your digestion.

GM diet day 6: You get iron and protein from beef/chicken, while the vegetables provide you with vitamins and fiber.

GM diet for weight loss day 7: The brown rice is high in fiber and also contains proteins, while the vegetables are rich in vitamins and fiber. The fruit juices help in cleansing your system further.

Once you completed the seven days of the GM diet plan without any cheating, then you'll definitely feel much lighter and healthier when compared to the first day.

Foods Allowed on the GM diet plan for weight loss in 7 days

-Fruits = Watermelon, Cantaloupes, Pear, Orange, Grapefruit, Apple, Kiwi, Pomegranates, Grapes, Papaya, Strawberries, Mangoes (only 1 per day)

-Vegetables = Potatoes (only for breakfast on 2nd day), Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Carrot, Cucumber, Lettuce, Onions

-Meat = Beef, Chicken, Fish, Eggs

-Meat Alternatives = Tofu, Paneer, Brown rice

-Black Tea = Herb or Leaf (without sugar)

-Black Coffee (without sugar, cream, or sweetener)

-Club soda

-Water (if desired, you can add lemon, cucumber & mint for flavor)

Foods not Allowed on the GM Diet Plan for weight loss

-Alcohol should not be consumed while on the GM Motors diet as it contains a lot of calories with nil nutrients.

-Diet sodas


-You should stay away from fast foods, sweets, and oil-filled snacks.

Side Effects of the Diet Plan for weight loss in 7 days

Like for everything in this world, even the GM diet plan has got some side effects. They include:

Headaches & Malaise: The first-time dieters may experience slight headaches as well as uneasiness on the first two days and some until the third day. This is because their body is still in the process of getting used to the diet; therefore, if you're determined to lose weight, then you can withstand these obstacles by continuing the diet as the side effects will diminish by the third day. However, people who stay well hydrated during the gm diet plan days may not notice these problems.

Thirst & Dehydration: As we said above, people who suffer from dehydration should drink adequate water. This also helps in flushing out the impurities from your body, thereby helping you to lose weight naturally.

Muscle Weakness: Since the diet is a bit low in proteins in the first few days, you may be suffering from muscle weakness. This will diminish from day 4 onwards and that is the reason why it is not advised to perform any strenuous activities or workouts during the first 3 days of the GM diet plan.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are the weight loss results permanent or will I gain weight again?

Ans» There is no medicine or diet in this world that guarantees permanent weight loss results. No matter how much or through which method you lost your pounds, you'll regain weight if you're back to your regular eating habits (unhealthy). So, it is advised to follow a healthy and balanced lifestyle after finishing the 7 days GM diet plan to help you lose weight, which in order to maintain your lost weight.

2. How many times can I follow the GM diet plan for weight loss?

Ans» You can follow the 1-week gm diet plan for as long as you reach your target weight. But, it is advised to take a break of at least 1 week after completing one session and start again. Meanwhile, during the break, you should eat a healthy & balanced meal in order to maintain your lost pounds.

3. Can I do workouts while on the GM diet program?

Ans» You're not allowed to perform any strenuous activities or workouts during the first 3 days of the gm diet plan as you'll not be having enough energy to perform such activities. You can however do light exercises like Yoga and meditation. From day 4 onwards, you can practice the workouts you desired without any worries. But, please stay hydrated.

4. Can I eat rotis like pulka, chapatti, bread, cereal, etc.?

Ans» NO! You may put on weight instead of losing it.

5. Can we use oil while cooking vegetables and meat?

Ans» Yes! But, only Olive oil is recommended, that too just 1 teaspoon.

6. Is the GM diet plan suitable for people with diabetes?

Ans» No! People who're suffering from diabetes, hypertension, or other health-related problems require a highly balanced diet with proteins and vitamins. Since the diet doesn't meet the daily requirements of such people, it is not advisable for them to follow the General Motors (GM) diet plan. They can, however, consult the physician and request a low GI diet plan.

7. Can I follow the 7-day GM diet plan during the menstrual period?

Ans» No! It is not recommended to follow this diet during the 5 day period (menstrual cycle) as you may not be getting the correct weight loss results. So, plan your gm diet session either before or after the periods.

8. Can I drink Tea or Coffee while on the GM diet plan?

Ans» If it is black without milk, sugar, or cream, then it is OK. Else, it is not recommended as it will hinder your weight loss results.

GM Diet Soup Recipe

Gm Diet Soup or Wonder Soup Recipe (Cabbage Soup)

Also known as the GM diet wonder soup recipe, the cabbage soup is the main reason why the GM diet plan has become very successful in helping people to lose weight quickly and easily. It is low in calories and high in nutrition. The soup can be consumed on all days of the General Motors diet without any worries.

Ingredients of Gm diet wonder soup recipe

¼ Cabbage

1 Carrot

2 Tomatoes

3 Mushrooms (optional)

2-3 Cauliflower florets

½ Onion

½ Bell pepper


Gm diet Wonder Soup recipe Preparation: 1 serving

Peel and chop all the ingredients into small pieces and add them to a pressure cooker. Pour enough water until all the ingredients are submerged. Add some salt for taste and close the lid. Cook for 2 whistles, switch off the stove, and leave the pot for a few minutes for the steam to go away. Now, you can take this soup in a bowl, add some lemon juice, pepper for taste, and enjoy.

Power Soup aka Tomato Soup Recipe

This is another healthy and tasty soup that is mainly taken on the fifth day of the GM diet when only tomatoes are allowed. It is rich in fiber and also aids in digestion.


2 Tomatoes

2 Onions

1 Green pepper

Chopped celery and cabbage mix

Water (enough to submerge all the ingredients)

Power Soup Preparation:

Take a medium-size pot and pour some water. Let the water boil for some time and add all the ingredients (chopped) except the celery & cabbage mix into the pot along with salt for taste. Once it is half boiled, add the mix of celery and cabbage and leave until they are tender. You can now switch off the stove and serve it hot.

Baked Beef/Chicken/Fish Recipe

This dish can be served on the fifth and sixth day of the GM diet plan. Since our motto is to lose weight, we should not use regular cooking methods to prepare this recipe.


1 piece of lean beef or 1 chicken breast (skinless) or 3 fish fillets (pick any one variety)

1 tbsp Olive oil

1 tsp Ginger-Garlic paste

1 tsp of onion paste

Black pepper (your choice)

Chopped coriander (your choice)

1 tbsp lemon juice

Procedure: 1 serving


You can either prepare this GM diet recipe using the Oven or on a Pan. If you choose the oven, then preheat it to 325 degrees Fahrenheit or 165 degrees Celsius. Now take a small bowl and add all the ingredients except the beef/chicken/fish into the bowl and mix them well.

Now, coat this mixture on the pieces and leave them for a few minutes. Then, apply the Olive oil on the baking tray and place the coated pieces on it. Place the tray inside the oven and bake them for 20 minutes. Finally, serve it hot by sprinkling some lemon juice for additional taste.

In case if you choose the Pan, then follow the same procedure for coating the mixture, but add the Olive oil to the pan and fry the pieces until they flake easily.

Brown Rice with Moong Sprouts Recipe

This brown rice pulao can be had on day 7 or if you're a vegetarian, then you can also have it on days 5 and 6.


½ cup Brown rice (soak the rice in water for 30 min before cooking)

½ cup moong sprouts (soaked in water overnight) or vegetables of your choice

3 tbsp roasted peanuts

Chopped coriander (as per your taste)

½ Onion (chopped)

Salt and chili powder (as required)


Take a bowl (pressure cooker), add 1 tbsp of olive oil and fry the onions, peanuts until they turn golden brown. Next, pour some water and let it boil for some time.

Then, add the sprouts/vegetables, brown rice, salt, and chili powder. Let the ingredients be cooked on a medium flame for another 15 minutes or until 3 whistles. Open the lid after few minutes, sprinkle some coriander leaves (chopped), and serve hot.

Beef/Chicken and Mushroom Soup

You can have this soup on days 5 and 6 of the GM diet plan.


250 gms of Skinless chicken or lean beef

1 cup sliced Mushrooms

1 stalk of celery

2 tbsp chopped spring onions

1 Garlic clove (crushed)

¼ piece of Ginger

2 tbsp of Olive oil

1 or 2 chopped Green chilies (your requirement)

Salt and pepper for taste


First, take a bowl and fry the onions, garlic, ginger, mushrooms, green chilies, and celery using the Olive oil until tender. Then, add the chicken/beef pieces and fry them for another 5 minutes on a low flame. Add enough water to the bowl and let it boil for some time.

Then, sprinkle some salt and pepper as needed & close the lid. Wait for 25 minutes or 4-5 whistles for the soup to be cooked properly. Take the soup into a bowl; sprinkle some coriander, pepper, and lemon juice for taste.

Grilled Chicken/Beef/Fish Kebab

You can enjoy these kebabs on the non-vegetarian GM diet days – 5 and 6.

¼ kg of skinless chicken or lean beef or fish (cut into round pieces)

1 tbsp of Olive oil

2 Yellow bell peppers

2 Green bell peppers

2 Onions

2 Tomatoes

Salt & pepper for taste


Skew the chicken/fish/beef pieces together with all the ingredients on a barbecue stick. Rub some olive oil, salt, and pepper on all the sides. Now, place the stick in an oven and cook them until all the pieces become tender. Alternatively, you can also put them on an open fire and fry them. Once fried, you can garnish these kebabs with cucumber slices and serve them hot.

If you're looking to shed some pounds to show up at your friend's wedding or for an upcoming occasion, then you can follow this GM diet plan and easily lose weight quickly, around 10 to 15 pounds (5 to 7 kgs) in just 7 days with little or no exercise.


  • Can you lose weight with the 7-day GM diet?
  • The GM Diet Plan: Lose Your Excess Weight in Just 7 Days

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Post updated in October 2021

Gm Diet for 30 Days


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