Opposition to Tst Tube Babies Opposition to Test Tube Babies

(America'south Frontline Doctors) – Recently, Pfizer whistleblower Melissa Strickler, a manufacturing quality accountant for the company, exposed some of their internal emails. She was horrified by the information they independent and spoke withProject Veritas almost what she had uncovered – the utilise of fetal cells from aborted babies to examination their COVID-19 vaccine. This is some of what acme direction wrote:

"From the perspective of corporate diplomacy," [Pfizer Senior Director of Worldwide Research Vanessa] Gelman wrote in ane email, "nosotros desire to avoid having the information on fetal cells floating out in that location … The adventure of communicating this correct now outweighs any potential benefit we could see, particularly with general members of the public who may take this data and employ it in ways we may not want out in that location.

In another email exchange betwixt Advait Badkar, senior director of the Novel Delivery Technologies grouping within Pfizer's Biotherapeutics Pharmaceutical Sciences organization, Gelman can be seen albeit to Badkar that, "One or more cell lines with an origin that tin exist traced back to human fetal tissue has been used in laboratory tests associated with the vaccine programme."

She warned him that, "We have been trying as much as possible to not mention the fetal cell lines."

Project Veritas attempted to speak with Gelman. This was her response (If the video clip is removed from YouTube yous tin view it onProject Veritas' Telegram Channel here.):

One must wonder what Gelman knew that caused her to "take flight."

What Strickler wasn't aware of is that the information about the fetal cells existence used for the COVID-xix vaccine is well-known to scientists and researchers. Papers about the manufacturing techniques for COVID-xix vaccines, which included the utilize of fetal cells, were published online at least as far dorsum as May 2020;[1] she also didn't know that she had uncovered only a small portion of a large scandal.

The fetal cells referred to in Pfizer's emails were HEK293T cells, obtained from the kidney cells of a female fetus in 1973.[2],[3] In reality, all the currently authorized COVID-xix vaccines are fabricated using aborted fetal cells, including Moderna's. Moderna besides used HEK293T cells in their proof-of-concept tests to see if the genetic instructions independent in these vaccines would be finer taken upwards and produce the required fasten protein.[iv]

Johnson and Johnson used both the PER.C6 cell line (derived from human embryonic retinal cells, originally from the retinal tissue of an 18-week-old fetus aborted in 1985)[5] and the HEK293T cell line, to produce and assay (respectively) their Janssen adenovirus vaccine.[6]

AstraZeneca used the HEK293T cells to develop theirs, every bit did ii other companies that have had their vaccines canonical, CanSino Biologics and Gamaleya Research Institute (Sputnik V vaccine).[seven]

The apply of aborted fetal cells in vaccine production has been going on for over fifty years, starting in the mid-to late 1970s.[8] Antigens for several childhood vaccines are grown in aborted fetal jail cell lines MRC-5 and WI-38. These cell lines are constitute in the vaccines and are included in CDC's vaccine excipient list likewise as Johns Hopkins Institute for Vaccine Safety website (acme and bottom images respectively).[9]

Fetal DNA and proteins are likewise institute in the COVID-19 vaccines, at least for the ones which were developed, non only tested, in fetal cells. Genetic engineer, Dr. Theresa Deisher, explains that it is impossible to totally carve up the antigen from the medium information technology is grown in. Mind as she explains:

Deisher explains:

All of these things are in the final product including contaminants from the cell lines that are used to manufacture the vaccines, and you asked, you know, why the contaminants tin't exist removed. And so, the virus in the vaccine is but a long concatenation of RNA or DNA, just it's such a long chain that it'south not economic to brand it in a test tube and so the companies mimic nature's way of growing viruses and they infect cells and the virus grows in the cells, and then they lyse the cell and they try to purify away the virus and leave behind the cells impurities and DNA fragments. But, for anyone who's taken chemistry, your yield is inversely related to your purity and, so, if they purified out the contaminants from the jail cell lines, the yield would be then low that they wouldn't brand any coin, or no one would pay a chiliad dollars or ten thousand dollars for a vaccine and, so, because of that, contaminants from the cell lines, and in that case fetal cell lines, are in the final product. And, they are actually at very high levels …[x]

The WI-38 and MRC-five jail cell lines are over sixty years erstwhile. "The WI-38 cells were derived past Leonard Hayflick in 1962 from the lung of a iii-month female fetus [2]. The initials WI refer to the Wistar Institute, a body of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, and number 38 to the fetus from which the cells were obtained. The MRC-5 cells were obtained in 1966 from the lungs of a 14-week male fetus [3]. The initials MRC betoken Medical Research Quango, a body from London." Due to the cells lines' age it can only be replicated so many times, therefore, in 2015, China developed another fetal prison cell line, the WalVax-two strain.[11],[12]

These are the approved Usa vaccines containing aborted fetal cells:[13]

·         Adenovirus · ·         Barr Labs., Inc ·         WI-38
·         Chickenpox ·         Varivax ·         Merck & Co. ·         MRC-5 & WI-38
·         Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, HIB ·         Pentacel ·         Sanofi Pasteur ·         MRC-5
·         Hepatitis A ·         Havrix ·         GlaxoSmithKline ·         MRC-5
·         Hepatitis A ·         Vaqta ·         Merck & Co. ·         MRC-v
·         Hepatitis A-B ·         Twinrix ·         GlaxoSmithKline ·         MRC-5
·         Measles, Mumps, Rubella ·         MMR II ·         Merck & Co. ·         WI-38
·         Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Chickenpox ·         ProQuad ·         Merck & Co. ·         MRC-5 & WI-38
·         Rabies ·         Imovax ·         Sanofi Pasteur ·         MRC-5
·         Shingles ·         Zostavax ·         Merck & Co. ·         MRC-5

Additional cell lines from surgically aborted fetuses, that are non used in vaccines, include "…  WI-ane, WI-three, WI-xi, WI-sixteen, WI-18, WI-nineteen, WI-23, WI-24, WI-25, WI-26, WI-27, WI-44, MRC-nine, IMR-ninety, and R-17 (obtained from lung); WI-two, WI-12 and WI-20, (peel and muscle); WI-5 (muscle); WI-8 and WI-14, and WS1 (pare); WI-iv, WI-nine, WI-ten, WI-thirteen and WI-fifteen (kidney); WI-6, WI-21 and WI-22 (center); WI-seven (thymus and thyroids), WI-17 (liver); FHs74Int (small intestine) …"[xiv]

The use of aborted fetal cells raises tremendous upstanding, moral, and health concerns.

Dr. Stanley Plotkin, a renowned vaccinologist, was deposed in January 2018, by attorney Aaron Siri, prior to testifying in a divorce case, where the parents disagreed almost vaccination. Plotkin has a very long listing of credentials including Emeritus Professor of the University of Pennsylvania, and Offshoot Professor of the Johns Hopkins Academy. He has received numerous honors and has lectures named for him. He developed the rubella vaccine, is codeveloper of the pentavalent rotavirus vaccine, and has worked extensively on the development and application of other vaccines including anthrax, oral polio, rabies, varicella, and cytomegalovirus. He is at present a consultant to vaccine manufacturers, biotechnology companies and non-profit research organizations as principal of Vaxconsult, LLC.[15]

Listen to what Plotkin said about aborted fetal cells during the deposition (commencement at 2:40):[sixteen]

Because living tissue is needed for the principal culture, these abortions are often done by the "water bag" method which delivers the fetuses (between ii-4 months gestation) alive. (Limbs, organs, and tissues from aborted fetuses are as well a mainstay of modernistic medical research.) Included in vaccines for measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, shingles, rotavirus, adenovirus and rabies are man DNA fragments …[17]

Not only are the babies delivered alive, horrifically, their organs are often removed when they are even so live.[18] This is how they got the HEK293 kidney cells used in the manufacture of the vaccines and why Pfizer wanted it to remain a hugger-mugger:

The details of HEK293's barbarous – and from all appearances, until very recently, largely undisclosed – origins explicate the visitor's deep discomfort. Contrary to almost a one-half-century of misrepresentation and obfuscation, HEK293'south creation did Non arise from an "abortion" as everyday people understand it.…

To harvest a viable embryonic kidney … sufficiently healthy children old enough to have adequately-adult kidneys must be removed from the womb, alive, typically by cesarean section, and have their kidneys cutting out. This must take place without anesthesia for the child, which would lessen the viability of the organs.

… The deliberate killing of an unwanted child (a piddling girl, in the example of HEK 293) took identify in the tortuous manner it did precisely to obtain her organs for research. The harvest of her organs was the straight crusade of her death, prior to which, she was a living child, outside the womb.[19]

The vaccines were made by destroying lives in the most brutal mode and the use of these vaccines seriously harm many who have received them, fifty-fifty though the harm may not be recognized as such.

… According to Plotkin, injecting intact DNA is theoretically problematic which is why they fragmented it. Intact human DNA was recently discovered in a vaccine by Corveleva, an independent lab that has been analyzing vaccine contents.

Clinical trials for vaccines look primarily for predefined local and transient adverse events so trial participants are only followed for days or months. Long term effects of vaccines are not office of the clinical trials. Section thirteen of each vaccine packet insert states that the vaccine has not been studied to decide if the vaccine tin can crusade genetic mutations, cancer, or impaired fertility. They are not required to. However, scientists accept long known that:

  • Dna fragmentation is a necessary first step to inserting foreign Deoxyribonucleic acid into cells.
  • Through a process chosen insertional mutagenesis, foreign Deoxyribonucleic acid can be incorporated into a host DNA and crusade genetic mutations, cancer, and other health problems.
  • Homologous recombination, another type of mutation involving Deoxyribonucleic acid fragments, can crusade serious affliction.
  • Retroviruses found in foreign human Deoxyribonucleic acid tin can exist dangerous when incorporated into the DNA of a human host.
  • The embryonic stalk cells in which the vaccines are grown are naturally tumorigenic. The FDA has been studying live virus vaccines considering of their potential to cause cancer.

Scientists investigating vaccines take been able to identify increases in autism in dissimilar countries that coincide with their introduction of alive virus vaccines grown in human cell substrates. This is in addition to the previously known bug arising from injecting foreign human DNA into a human being host. While the effect of injecting males with DNA from female fetuses and females with DNA from male fetuses has not been directly studies, a new study does show that autistic individuals are more probable to be transgender and research has investigated the issue of chromosomal abnormalities on areas of the brain related to sexual beliefs. This is especially important in light of the tremendous increase in transgenderism and gender dysphoria (confusion) being reported in many countries …[20]

Aborted fetal cells are likewise constitute in some drugs.[21]

We can be adequately confident that in the same way that aborted fetal cells are existence used for developing many childhood vaccines and the COVID-19 vaccines, they are being used in the product of the upcoming Marburg Virus vaccine, which will be used for the upcoming Marburg Virus pandemic. In March 2019, a HHS printing release announced the development of a vaccine for Marburg Virus, declaring it a biodefense and public health threat.[22],[23] Gavi, the Global Brotherhood for Vaccines and Immunisation, founded, in function, by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,[24] suggested, in April 2021, that Marburg Virus may exist the adjacent pandemic.[25] Others are now beginning to "sound the warning" alarm, every bit well.[26]

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Delight SIGN this critical petition which urges the Catholic Church to demand that Large Pharma develop, produce and distribute upstanding (non-abortion tainted) COVID vaccines for Catholics...and, anyone else who feels morally obliged to pass up abortion-tainted vaccines!

Over the past 10 months, the Catholic Church's teaching part (the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Organized religion - CDF) has quietly directed the Catholic faithful to protest confronting the use of aborted babies in the production or testing of available COVID vaccines in the Westward -- all of which use aborted fetal cell lines in either their development or testing phase.

Sadly, this direction has been so placidity that almost no-1 knows about information technology.

At the same time, however, the Pope (see below), along with many other senior prelates, has been loudly promoting the uptake of these same unethically-produced vaccines amongst the Catholic faithful with but a whisper of protest.

Information technology'due south clear that there is amajor disconnect in the Church between word and activeness on this major moral effect.

Only, instead of existence a follower, the Church should be a leader in this surface area -- enervating the development of ethical vaccines (and, other ethically-adult products) for Catholics.**

In fact, there are already Catholic scientists, like Dr. Alan Moy, who are working with developed stem cells to aid achieve ethical alternatives, but they have received "very little interest" from the Church, to-appointment.

And, to be off-white, some individual bishops, similar Archbishop J. Michael Miller of Vancouver, Canada, have vocally supported non-abortion tainted vaccines, with Archbishop Miller going and so far every bit to donate towards ethical research.

Just, information technology'southward time to attempt once again and inquire Church leaders in the Vatican and its US counterpart, the USCCB (the Cosmic bishops' conference in the U.s.a.), to be fully consequent in word and deed on the upshot of aborted fetal cell lines used to produce vaccines.

Jews have kosher foods and Muslims have halal foods. And, people from both traditions demand such foods - and, their demands are respected. Equally an example, please click and scroll down here to meet all of the halal certificates which McDonald'due south needs to operate in Saudi Arabia.

Then, certainly the Cosmic Church building could and should loudly demand that pharmaceutical companies develop and produce ethical vaccines for Catholics.

Indeed, the Church could and should ask the faithful to loudly demand ethical vaccines from Big Pharma (past providing telephone numbers and email addresses, for instance). And, or, the Church could and should commit to sponsoring the development of pro-life pharmaceuticals.

It should be noted here that the Catholic Church teaches that there is NO moral obligation, whatsoever, to have a vaccine.

Merely, regrettably, for those who wish to take an ethically-produced COVID vaccine, even the Church's direction is hard to understand, precisely because it is contradictory.

On the one hand, the CDF says that acceptance of an ballgame-tainted vaccine constitutes passive/remote fabric cooperation in the evil of abortion.

On the other hand the CDF also says that the acceptance of abortion-tainted vaccine is morally permissible when no ethically adult and tested vaccine is bachelor.

At the same, nevertheless, the CDF paradoxically says that those who accept an unethical vaccine have the moral obligation to protest against it.

But and so...there'due south the recent video of Pope Francis and other senior bishops, Archbishops and Cardinals promoting the COVID vaccines, without protesting against their gravely immoral development and testing, nor calling on Large Pharma to produce an ethical alternative.

And so, where the current slate of COVID vaccines is concerned, the Church is apparently maxim that you can cooperate with evil if some skilful may event...if y'all have no ethical alternative...but, yous have to protest the evil...while participating in it.

And, well, the very people who are telling us to protest the unethical vaccines are, themselves, actually promoting them equally, "an act of love."

That's confusing!

This kind of contradiction - proverb one thing and doing some other - is unacceptable because it assumes as normal the situation where only unethical vaccines are bachelor for Catholics.

We are request the Church to stop this seeming servility towards Big Pharma, and start a loud and active entrada promoting the evolution and production of ethical vaccines.

Please SIGN and SHARE this urgent petition urging Pope Francis and other Vatican government, too as USCCB regime, to loudly need that Big Pharma develop and produce ethical vaccines for Catholics, untainted by abortion.

Thank you lot!


''Wholly unethical': US 'personhood' org condemns COVID vaccines derived from aborted babies' - https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/wholly-unethical-us-personhood-org-condemns-covid-vaccines-derived-from-aborted-babies/

'In 'rupture' with Church'due south 'absolute opposition' to abortion, Vatican hosting pro-aborts at pro-COVID jab conference' - https://world wide web.lifesitenews.com/news/in-rupture-with-churchs-absolute-opposition-to-abortion-vatican-hosting-pro-aborts-at-pro-covid-jab-conference/

''I will never comply with evil': Pro-lifer Abby Johnson on abortion-tainted vaccines' - https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/i-will-never-comply-with-evil-pro-lifer-abby-johnson-on-ballgame-tainted-vaccines/

'Canadian archbishop donates to ethical coronavirus vaccine research' - https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/canadian-archbishop-donates-to-ethical-coronavirus-vaccine-inquiry/

**Actually, to be fully consistent with the Church'southward teaching on this effect, the Catholic Church building should demand that Catholics be offered an "ethical" selection for every major product, from food to cosmetics, from to wearable to medicine, and beyond.

Marburg Virus, which comes from bats,[27] is a rare hemorrhagic affliction found primarily in African countries. From its discovery in 1967 to the current date, there have been 474 cases and 373 fatalities. 355 of these fatalities occurred during the two major outbreaks of the virus, which occurred between 1998-2000 and 2004-2005. Between 2007 and 2021 in that location have been 29 cases and sixteen deaths (xviii cases and 9 deaths occurred in 2017).[28]

Just as Vitamin C has been used by some hospitals to care for COVID-xix,[29],[30] even though health agencies had claimed that COVID-19 has no treatment,[31] Dr. Suzanne Humphries, in a lecture on Vitamin C, explained that Vitamin C can successfully care for Ebola and hemorrhagic diseases,[32] even though it is claimed that there is no cure for Ebola or Marburg Virus.[33]

Project Veritas exposed Planned Parenthood'due south trafficking in aborted babe parts[34],[35] (Bill Gates' male parent was head of Planned Parenthood[36]), nevertheless, aborted fetuses are a commodity, used for medical research,[37],[38],[39],[40] in cosmetics, and fifty-fifty by the nutrient industry for taste-testing purposes when developing new nutrient products.[41]

Reprinted with permission from America's Frontline Doctors


[1] "The National Research Council Of Canada And Cansino Biologics Inc. Denote Collaboration To Advance Vaccine Against COVID-nineteen | Biospace". Biospace, 2021.

[ii] "HEK 293 Cells – Wikipedia". En.Wikipedia.Org, 2021.

[3] Assistant Editor. "Exclusive: Pfizer'Due south Nervousness Nearly Its COVID Vaccine'S Origins Conceals A Horror Story". The Gateway Pundit, 2021.

[4] Tostanoski, Lisa H. et al. "Ad26 Vaccine Protects Against SARS-Cov-ii Astringent Clinical Affliction In Hamsters". Nature Medicine, vol 26, no. eleven, 2020, pp. 1694-1700. Springer Scientific discipline And Concern Media LLC, doi:ten.1038/s41591-020-1070-vi

[5] "PER.C6 Cell Lines – Creative Biolabs". Gmp-Creativebiolabs.Com, 2021.
"The PER.C6 cell line is derived from human embryonic retinal cells, originally from the retinal tissue of an 18-week-old fetus aborted in 1985 and further developed and prepared as cell line by transfection with divers E1 region of the adenovirus type 5 followed by selection for transfectants with an immortal phenotype. At the beginning, this cell line was mainly applied for the product of human adenovirus vectors for use in vaccine development and factor therapy, and further optimization makes PER.C6 become a superexcellent host jail cell line for big-scale industrial product of therapeutic proteins, peculiarly the human IgG."

[6] Ibid.

[7] Ibid.

[8] Deisher, Theresa A., PhD. "Testimony submitted past Dr. Theresa A. Deisher." Bioethicsarchive.Georgetown. Edu, 2021.

[9] CDC Pinkbook Excipient Listing.
"Institute For Vaccine Safety || Components: Excipients". Vaccinesafety.Edu, 2021,

[x] "Fetal cells, Dna & proteins in vaccines – Theresa Deisher, PhD". Youtube.Com, 2021, https://world wide web.youtube.com/picket?v=2RNb4cXIPrU;
"Dr. Theresa Deisher On Aborted Homo Fetal Dna In Vaccines". Brighteon.Com, 2021,

[11] Bioethics Observatory. "Vaccines Produced Using Aborted Fetuses Are Being Used". Bioethics Obervatory – Institute Of Life Sciences – UCV, 2020.

[12] Wadman, Meredith. "Henrietta Lacks Wasn'T The But Woman Who Unknowingly Contributed To Medical History". Slate Mag, 2017;
"The Ethics of The Walvax-2 Cell Strain". Ethicalresearch.Cyberspace, 2021.

[xiii] "Vaccines, Abortion & Fetal Tissue". Ohio Right To Life, 2021, https://world wide web.ohiolife.org/vaccines_abortion_fetal_tissue. In that location are US approved alternatives to some of these vaccines which are listed here, every bit well.

[14] See note 8

[15] Plotkin Brusk CV – VaxConsult.  https://www.vaxconsult.com/app/download/1194394/SHORT%2BCV.pdf

[16] "Dr. Stanley Plotkin, Godfather Of Vaccines, Under Oath Admits The True Horrific Vaccine Ingredients". Bitchute, 2021, https://www.bitchute.com/video/WFwwoFYbLFd3/

[17] "Human Deoxyribonucleic acid In Vaccines – Origins and Safety". Rodef Shalom 613, 2020, https://world wide web.rodefshalom613.org/2020/08/human-dna-in-vaccines-origins-and-prophylactic/

[eighteen] Fetal tissue and torso parts from aborted babies are used for many types of research, not just vaccines. Below is an excerpt from Fetal Torso Parts Used for Research: Is information technology ethical to experiment on aborted humans? (https://investigatemagazine.co.nz/2451/fetal-body-parts-used-for-reseach/) by investigative journalist Ian Wishart, about how fetal parts are caused from abortions and bear witness that some fetuses are dissected when still alive. The scientists using these body parts believe that it is for the greater adept. Yet, the author posits: "It is a modern, relativistic idea that y'all can sacrifice the few for the proficient of the many. Indeed, this was one of the justifications Hitler used in whipping upwards hatred against Jewish, Gypsy and gay minorities. In 21st century form, the argument is more subtle: that if a cure for crippling diseases can be found by harvesting fetal organs from abortions, or growing man embryos in the laboratory for stem jail cell harvesting, then the deaths of those infants are justifiable because of the perceived greater good to the customs at large. … "At the Nuremberg War Crimes trials, testify was presented of horrific scientific experiments being performed on captives in the concentration camps. The Nazi medics on trial attempted to justify it by saying the examination subjects were due to die anyway and the knowledge gained would benefit the rest of humanity. [Scientists working with fetal cells from aborted babies merits that the babies were going to be aborted anyway considering of maternal choice. RS 613] "Man DNA in Vaccines – Origins and Condom". Rodefshalom613.Org, 2021, https://www.rodefshalom613.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Human-Dna-in-Vaccines-Origins-and-safety-6-15-20.pdf

[19] See note 3.

[xx] Ibid.

[21] "U.Due south. Aborted Fetal Products. Cogforlife.Org, 2021, https://cogforlife.org/wp-content/uploads/fetalproductsall.pdf

[22] "HHS' BARDA funds its showtime Marburg virus vaccine development", Phe.Gov, 2021, https://www.phe.gov/Preparedness/news/Pages/marburg-vaccine-05Mar19.aspx

[23] The NIH had been working on a Marburg Virus vaccine every bit far back as 2010. "NIH-Supported Experimental Marburg Vaccine Prevents Disease Two Days Afterwards Infection". National Institutes Of Health (NIH), 2015, https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/nih-supported-experimental-marburg-vaccine-prevents-disease-two-days-after-infection

[24] "About Our Alliance". Gavi.Org, 2021, https://www.gavi.org/our-brotherhood/nigh

[25] Priya, Joi. "The Next Pandemic: Marburg?". Gavi.Org, 2021, https://www.gavi.org/vaccineswork/adjacent-pandemic/marburg

[26] Citroner, George. "Could The Marburg Virus Start Another Outbreak? What Nosotros Know". Healthline, 2021, https://www.healthline.com/health-news/could-the-marburg-virus-start-another-outbreak-what-nosotros-know

[27] Guito, Jonathan C. et al. "Asymptomatic Infection of Marburg Virus Reservoir Bats Is Explained By A Strategy Of Immunoprotective Disease Tolerance". Current Biological science, vol 31, no. ii, 2021, pp. 257-270.e5. Elsevier BV, doi:x.1016/j.cub.2020.10.015

[28] "Marburg Virus – Wikipedia". En.Wikipedia.Org, 2021, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marburg_virus#cite_note-ix

[29] Mccall, Rosie. "New York Hospitals Are Using Vitamin C To Treat Some Coronavirus Patients". Newsweek, 2020, https://www.newsweek.com/new-york-hospitals-vitamin-c-coronavirus-patients-1494407

[xxx] Hoang, Ba X. et al. "Possible Application of High-Dose Vitamin C In the Prevention and Therapy Of Coronavirus Infection". Journal Of Global Antimicrobial Resistance, vol 23, 2020, pp. 256-262. Elsevier BV, doi:10.1016/j.jgar.2020.09.025

[31] "Emergency Use Authority for Vaccines Explained". U.S. Food And Drug Administration, 2020, https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-claret-biologics/vaccines/emergency-utilise-potency-vaccines-explained

[32] Humphries, Suzanne. "Lecture on Vitamin C." Youtube.Com, 2021, https://youtu.be/y0LLX0sgwAU?t=3724

[33] Lett, D. "Wanted: Manufacturer for Ebola and Marburg Vaccines". Canadian Medical Association Journal, vol 173, no. 5, 2005, pp. 472-472. CMA Joule Inc., doi:10.1503/cmaj.050938

[34] "Guilty Verdict Against David Daleiden equally Abortion Manufacture Flexes Its Muscle". Projectveritas.Com, 2019, https://www.projectveritas.com/news/guilty-verdict-confronting-david-daleiden-as-abortion-industry-flexes-its-muscle

[35] The Center for Medical Procedure, "Intact Fetuses "Simply a Matter of Line Items" for Planned Parenthood TX Mega-Middle", Youtube.Com, 2021, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egGUEvY7CEg&t=0s

[36] "Bill Gates My Begetter Headed Planned Parenthood", Youtube.Com, 2021, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2OkIua8iEU

[37] Run into note 17..

[38] Kent J. The fetal tissue economy: from the abortion dispensary to the stem cell laboratory. Soc Sci Med. 2008 Dec;67(11):1747-56. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2008.09.027. Epub 2008 October 22

[39] Pfeffer North. "How work reconfigures an 'unwanted' pregnancy into 'the right tool for the job' in stem prison cell research."  Sociol Wellness Illn. 2009 Jan;31(1):98-111. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9566.2008.01117.10. Epub 2008 Dec 16.

[40] Ma B, He LF, Zhang YL, Chen 1000, Wang LL, Yang HW, Yan T, Sun MX, Zheng CY. Characteristics and viral propagation properties of a new human diploid jail cell line, Walvax-2, and its suitability as a candidate prison cell substrate for vaccine product. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2015;xi(4):998-1009. doi: 10.1080/21645515.2015.1009811.

[41] See note 15.


Source: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/pfizers-emails-are-the-tip-of-the-iceberg-aborted-fetal-cells-have-been-used-in-vaccines-for-50-yrs/

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